Your Support brings the performing arts to Oak Park

The performing arts thrive when a community embraces a unique venue like Madison Street Theater.

You can help

support MST

By supporting Madison Street Theater, you will help us stay true to our mission: providing professional entertainment and arts education while enriching our community. Your gifts truly help make the performing arts an accessible experience, impacting the lives of thousands of artists and students of all ages.

Our plans to replace the previously nonfunctioning HVAC are complete thanks to the donnations from our community. We have begun work to make accessibility and aesthetic upgrades to the restrooms, and hope to make considerable auditorium upgrades- so we need the support of our greater community.  We are depending on our friends like you to donate, allowing us to keep the performing arts vibrant in Oak Park.



Our Funding

Madison Street Theater is partially supported by grants from the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation, the Oak Park Area Arts Council in partnership with the ARPA funds from the US Treasury, the Village of Oak Park, the Illinois Arts Council Agency, the National Endowment for the Arts, Arts Work Fund, and the Saints. MST is also grateful for the support of many individuals through private contributions and employer matching funds. Learn how your business can support our community through corporate sponsorship. 

Theater Restoration

PHASE 1: Building Safety

  • Safety & Fire Code Compliance, Lobby Restoration


PHASE 2: Building and Grounds

  • Replace inoperable HVAC system: $60,000 COMPLETED!!
  • Bathroom (upgrade for functionality & accessibility) $32,000 : In Progress!
  • Garden (Safety, fencing, water intrusion, landscaping) $5,000 
  • General (rot, leaks, critter entry) $23,000 


PHASE 3: Theater Technology

  • Sound System $15,000 : Grant from Chicago Saints to install hearing accessibility upgrades!
  • Stage Lighting $25,000 
  • Theater Seating $150,000 : “New-to-us” seats from a Chicago theater upgraded our seating and inspired a new campaign!